Museum Mondays
Feature Fridays
Every Monday on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter look for our snapshots of Edinburgh's medical history, from the greatest of heroes, its nefarious villains and the shades of grey in between. Between these stories, council and Edinburgh societies share book recommendations. Posts follow a four week cycle. Please share your own snippets of history and book recommendations too!
Week 1: History Post
Week 2: RMS Council Book Recommendation
Week 3: History Post
Week 4: External Society Book Recommendation
Every Friday on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, we share: Updates relating the RMS House, Library and Museum; Dissertations from the RMS' past, updates on what is new at the library; research posters from Edinburgh medical students; and a featured artefact from the RMS collection. Posts follow a four week cycle.
Week 1: Updates and Dissertation Digest
Week 2: Library Spotlight - New Books
Week 3: RMS Members Research Feature
Week 4: Artefact of the Month